English for Health Issues
李式鸞 著
ISBN 978-957-8878-74-7
2011.09 | 初版9刷 | 匯華 | 平裝 | 16開 | 單色 | 307頁
*每課均附有醫護術語的字首、字尾、字根之熟記技巧與練習(Building Medical Terms),例如:
pneum(o)- means “lung”(肺)
-itis means “inflammation”(發炎)
→pneumonitis 就是「肺炎」的意思
*閱讀測驗(Reading Comprehension)題型豐富,皆配合學習目標出題,計有是非題、選擇題、填充題和配合題,可以讓讀者透過手寫作答而達到學以致用的目的。另外,翻譯練習(Translation Exercise)部份可訓練讀者學習將中文句子完整轉譯成英文句子的表達技巧。
*每課最後附有問題討論(Make this chapter work for you),提供各式各樣的討論主題以促使讀者從被動的接受轉變成主動的思考,進而獲得充分的學習成效。
1. The Quest for Health: Your Own Responsibility
2. Psychological Fitness: Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
(Healthy Mind in Healthy Body)
3. Stress: The Hassles of Daily Living
4. Nutrition: Eating to Live vs. Living to Eat
5. Nutrients: The Building Blocks of Good Health
Review of Medical Terms, Chapters 1-5
6 .Dieting and Exercise: Two Sides to the Same Coin
7. Exercise: Lifelong Enjoyment
8. Sharing Your Life: The Intimate Relationship
9. Family: New Definition for the 90’s
10.Sexual Health: Choices, Risks, Consequences
Review of Medical Terms, Chapters 6-10
11.Pregnancy and Parenting: A Responsibility by Choice
12.Sexual Harassment: Unwelcomed Sex
13.Drugs: Misuse and Abuse
14.Self-Care: You Are Your Own Best Doctor
15.Complete Physical Examination: What to Expect
Review of Medical Terms, Chapters 11-15
16.Alcohol: Know Your Limits
17.Smoking: Self-Induced Health Risk
18.Avoiding Accidents: Better Safe than Sorry
19.Pollution: Understanding Environmental Hazards
20.Crime and Violence: Increasingly Urgent Problems
Review of Medical Terms, Chapters 16-20
Appendix A: A Few Words about Medical Terms
Appendix B: Prefixes, Word Roots, and Suffixes Found inthis Book