Restaurant English
陳美伶、楊芝澐 編著
ISBN 978-986-6860-09-6
2007.06 | 初版 | 華都 | 平裝 | 16開 | 彩色 | 216頁
◎ 邀請具有餐飲與英語專業背景之師資,依照餐飲業從業人員可能遇到的情境,針對其需求撰寫內容。
◎ 本書共分為十一個單元,內容除涵蓋訂位、接待客人與安排入座至結帳等基本流程,另外加入針對特定客群的進階內容,包括早餐及午餐、在風味餐廳用餐與飲料服務等主題。
◎ 各單元內容包括:基礎字彙及片語、文法與常用句型,以及綜合式課後練習(如聽力與角色扮演等)。單元最後附有文化小語,讓讀者除了學習英文之外,還可額外獲得相關餐飲文化的資訊。
◎ 附錄部分收錄了常用餐飲詞彙,包括廚具、烹調法及切法、對食物的形容詞;常見中式料理英譯,如北方料理、四川料理、台灣小吃等內容。
◎ 本書附朗讀 CD ,收錄完整會話與聽力練習內容,方便課前預習、課後復習,增加學習效果,實際應用時無往不利。
hapter 1 Introduction
Section 1: Types of restaurants
Section 2: Restaurant staff
Section 3: Restaurant floor plan
Chapter 2 Reservations
Section 1: Taking reservations by telephone
Section 2: Reservations not available
Section 3: Reconfirming a reservation
Section 4: Canceling a reservation
Chapter 3 Receiving & Seating Guests
Section 1: Welcoming and receiving guests
Section 2: Requesting guests to wait
Section 3: Seating guests
Chapter 4 At the Table
Section 1: Food service equipment
Section 2: Types of seasonings
Section 3: Setting the table
Chapter 5 Taking Orders
Section 1: Explaining the menu and recommending dishes
Section 2: Taking orders
Section 3: Ordering desserts
Chapter 6 Serving Meals 陳美伶
Section 1: Serving the appetizer/soup
Section 2: Serving the main course
Section 3: Checking on guests
Section 4: Cleaning tables after meal & serving the dessert
Section 5: Serving after-meal beverages
Chapter 7 Dealing with Complaints
Section 1: Handling food-related complaints
Section 2: Handling other complaints
Chapter 8 Paying the Bill
Section 1: Asking for the bill
Section 2: Explaining the bill
Section 3: Handling payments
Chapter 9 Breakfast and Lunch
Section 1: Breakfast
Section 2: Lunch
Chapter 10 Dinner at Specialty Restaurants 楊芝澐
Section 1: Taiwanese / Chinese restaurants
Section 2: Japanese restaurants
Section 3: French / Italian restaurants
Section 4: Fast food restaurants
Chapter 11 Beverage Services 楊芝澐
Section 1: Types of beverages
Section 2: Serving beer, aperitif, digestif and liqueur
Section 3: Serving coffee or tea
Section 4: Serving carbonated beverages
Appendix Ⅰ:常用餐飲詞彙
Appendix Ⅱ:常見中式料理英譯
Answer Key